A Woman Needs a Man

One of the biggest issues I’ve had throughout my life with this current wicked eon has been feminism.

I loathe feminism. I hate it with every fiber of my being. What is framed as an innocent doctrine meant to resolve a power imbalance in the minority of relationships ends up having the opposite effect. Instead of contextualizing the value of femininity, as well as masculinity, we have a doctrine that hypocritically debars masculinity, while taking all of the qualities of a man and unloading it on the woman, who can no longer rest in her true feminine qualities, to be admired by all of creation.

I have been moved to talk about this because of every single relationship I have ever held with a woman. Ever. No holds barred. Friend, foe, lover, family, regardless. The doctrine of feminism has become a plague on half of the gender.

In order to apprehend feminism’s true horror, we must first go back to the beginning. No, not the beginning of feminism, but the beginning of woman. Observe the creation of woman in Gen. 2:21-23–

Then Yahweh Elohim caused a stupor to fall on the human. While he was sleeping, He took one of his angular organs and closed up the flesh over its place. Yahweh Elohim built the angular organ that He had taken from the human into a woman and brought her to the human. The human said: This time, it is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This shall be called woman, for this was taken from her man.

From studying the original text, we can see that Yahweh took the female reproductive organ from a complete human being to make Eve. He surgically removed a part of Adam. When Adam looked upon Eve, he knew he was missing a part of himself. As such, he immediately claims her as his own, recognizing her value.

But what of Eve?

The answer is theorized on by members of the body of Christ (who occasionally cling to the world’s theories and philosophies instead of the Scriptures.) One whom I hold dear says, “Man needs woman, because something was taken from man, so man chases after woman in order to be fulfilled. Meanwhile, woman does not need man, because nothing was taken from woman, so woman needs nothing from man.”

This is theory, not fact.

It is true that Eve did not know that she was missing a part of herself. But does this mean that she was not missing a part of herself at all? Surely, this cannot be the case, given the intimate dynamics between man and woman that many of us have felt and experienced!

A simple proof should show us that this supposition, made by some of Christ’s own, is not truly rooted in a desire to understand and dwell on God’s method and set-up, but with a desire to disregard the connection between man and woman entirely. This theory might as well say, “You need me, and I don’t need you.”

This is pride.

Of course, you can tell that this is pride, because Eve follows the machinations of her flesh, as opposed to adhering to the one God placed as her head (being Adam.) Indeed, it is an act of deluded defiance toward her man that leads her to heed the voice of the serpent (for, though it was God Who spoke to Adam about the tree of knowledge of good and evil, Eve was created afterward, and only had Adam to relay the message to her – Gen. 2:16-17. She did not hear from God, but from man.)

What we will do here is contrast between God’s declaration to Adam, and Eve’s declaration to the serpent. Observe, first, Gen. 2:16-17–

And Yahweh Elohim instructed on the human, saying: From every tree of the garden you may eat, yea eat! But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you must not eat from it; for on the day you eat from it, to die you shall be dying.

Let’s compare this with Eve’s statement, in Gen. 3:1b-3–

The serpent said to the woman: Indeed did Elohim say, You shall not eat from every tree of the garden? The woman replied to the serpent: We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; yet of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden Elohim said, You shall not eat from it, and you shall not touch it, lest you should die.

The more I study and contrast these two verses, the more differences I find. First, Yahweh said, “From every tree of the garden you may eat.” He did not say, “from the trees of the garden.” Eve does not recognize the critical nature of the word “every;” that all trees are available to eat. Had she truly kept these words in her heart, she would not be generalizing the number of trees available (as Christendom so often does with the word “all” as used by Paul when speaking of all being saved.)

Another issue with Eve’s paraphrasing is that she does not name the tree that she is not allowed to eat. A wise man once said that names have power. By ancient pagan tradition, men would say the name of a god in order to attempt to take control of them. And, in modern psychology, to say someone’s name, whether in a relationship, a social setting, professionally, commercially, or more, makes the person whose name you stated respect you just a tad more, because you are treating them with the respect to address them personally and directly. That Eve does not name the tree highlights that she does not truly recognize the power of said fruit, nor the weight of the penalty for breaking Yahweh’s law, here.

Speaking of Yahweh’s rule, another issue is that Eve adds to Yahweh’s rule. She includes the idea that you cannot touch the tree, when Yahweh only said, “You must not eat of it.”

The final issue I can find at present with Eve’s nut-shelling is that she claims that, if you do eat or touch the tree, you should die. She does not understand death by any measure, for she takes God’s penalty (which is that you will begin to die, per ‘to die you shall be dying,’) and makes it cutthroat. She does not recognize the heart of Yahweh, Who is looking out for her, here.

There are a number of reasons one can assert as to why Eve speaks like this, and I would argue that each reason holds a bit of truth. Some could say that to err is human, and she simply did not recall every detail in that moment. This is fair. Some could also say that Adam did not properly relay every detail for her, or specify how critical this rule truly is, for he too did not have an understanding of what “death” is. This is also fair. And, some could say that Eve did not truly care what Adam said, because she had just been brought into existence. Because she did not care, she did not try to retain. She did not have an understanding of the authority God gave to Adam, or the intimate dynamic between her and Adam.

All three of these reasons carry some sensibility to them. Adam was just as unknowledgeable as Eve – so why, from Eve’s perspective, should she adhere to Adam’s word? We could theorize that perhaps she heard the voice of Yahweh at some point, but we can’t say it for certain. Of course, we also cannot fully blame Eve for transgressing (though Adam certainly does this.) As our apostle points out, Eve was deluded by the serpent’s craftiness (2 Cor. 11:3.)

What was Eve’s curse, in death? We read of it in Gen. 3:16–

To the woman [Yahweh] said: I shall increase, yea increase your grief And the groanings of your pregnancy. In grief shall you bear children; Yet by your husband is your restoration. And he shall rule over you.

The man, as early as the first couple in human history, was placed over the woman, in an authoritative sense of the word. This is not given as a benefit to her, nor is it said to be given as a benefit to the man. It is listed as a curse, prior to Christ’s arrival to provide the silver bullet of love to this dynamic.

The Scriptures abound with the true qualities of femininity (Song of Songs 1:9-17, Prov. 5:18-20, 31:10-31, 1 Cor. 7, 11:3-16, 14:34-35, Eph. 5:22-32, 1 Tim. 2:11-15, 3:11, etc.) These verses have been brushed aside, criticized, and disregarded. Instead, many women have taken to modernism, either applying or bashing the true qualities of masculinity, and use it as an excuse to evade the true qualities of femininity.

This is where feminism comes into play.

Lesser men have taken advantage of true feminine qualities in women, which is how feminism has come about. Few in Christ are willing to breach this topic in this modern day, as women have, yet again, been deluded by the serpent, conforming themselves to masculine qualities, believing they have “broken the system.” This has led to heavy emotional damage on both sides; women are the heart of the human race. God knows this, and Satan knows this, which is why he has deluded the gender – taking them off of their pedestal, and instead twisting them into a position that they are not made to be in.

Since second-wave feminism hit stores in the 60s, the divorce rate between man and woman has exponentially increased. Men and woman have forgotten how to co-habitate, and leave each other before coming to grips with the other’s perspective. Men abuse and condemn the beauty of woman, believing it to be a flaw, when it should be prioritized, to flourish (Eph. 5:26-30.) And women abuse and condemn the masculinity of men, believing it to be emotional unintelligence, when it should be leaned on, to respect (Eph. 5:22-24, 33.)

Because there is little any growth between man and woman in the modern era, most disregard the Scriptural principles establishing the disposition of men, and the disposition of women. A modernist compromise is made, that urges both men and women to step away from their natural inhibitions, and pursue the self instead.

We in the body of Christ should be aware of the lies of the eon. We should not wrestle with flesh and blood, but put on the armor of God (His Word, Christ,) to combat the sovereignties,  the authorities, the world-mights of this darkness – the spiritual forces of wickedness among the celestials (Eph. 6:12.) We should stand out as displays of conciliation, reflecting the truth of Scripture.

We are not here to accept modern doctrines, or to compromise with the body of Sin. “Compromise” is not peace’s mantra – “Christ” is (Eph. 4:3, 13, Col. 3:14-15.) We are requested to present ourselves holy and flawless in His sight, as He is conforming us (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1.) If we are not doing this, then how are we putting our salvation into effect (Phil. 2:12?) And, how can we be assured that God is working in us, if our disposition reflects that of gnostic philosophy (Rom. 8:5-9, Phil. 2:13-14, Col. 2:8-9, 3:18-19?) We in Christ should spurn the hidden things of shame, and not walk in the lies of man.

Feminism is not the truth of the evangel. It is not what God requests of His chosen saints. You can excuse mankind for being deluded by this doctrine; they do not have the peace of God garrisoning their hearts (Phil. 4:7,) nor are they being led by God’s spirit (Rom. 8:12-14.) We, however, do, and we have been entreated by our apostle to conform to God’s requests, trusting His ways, His methods, His word – not our own plans or devising in accord with the flesh. Feminism follows the lie that “women do not need men,” just as it is a lie for the modern man to lie that “men do not need women.” Or did we forget that sexual intimacy (which itself is a two-way concept rooted in love,) is exactly how the human race progresses? Moreover, did we forget that God is smarter than us, knowing our bodies and their needs better than we know ourselves?

This is the beginning. If anyone is truly interested, I can go deeper into the topic in a series of articles. I’m willing to pursue the topic. The relationship between man and woman is beautiful; it is not a sin to work. There are many aspects to this. I can cover the dynamic between man and woman. I can cover the excuse that “all is of God, so we should never pursue relationships.” I can cover our apostle’s verses that, to the modern generation, sound “evil” and “dated,” socially. There are many aspects to this, so if you are interested, contact me personally, and I will launch into a series of articles on the matter.

Grace and peace.


  1. A very thoughtful and well-written article, thank you. I'd be interested in reading more of your thoughts on this topic.

    1. Thank you! Understood. I will set to work this month.

  2. You stated the God given differences between men and women very well. I find it quite interesting that feminists started out wanting to invade mens clus, gyms, businesses etc. They didn't want to start their own clubs, gyms and businesses. They just wanted ones already established by men because so many feminists don't want to work that hard.

    1. I can see that, absolutely. Again, I'm primarily concerned with the doctrine of feminism; the feminists themselves are simply victims of a false doctrine. It's a crying shame, seeing so many women denounce their own beauty, and seeing so many men brush RIGHT past what makes a woman so special. Feminism blurs these lines, and it's only from Satan, relatively speaking, who seeks to obscure what's really going on at all times. Thank you for this! Your words and comment is so inspiring. I'll definitely push forward with this project. It's good to see others are passionate about this topic!

  3. Love this article, Stephen! I've been studying the same thing and I'm glad to see you shine a light on this issue. Would love to read more.

    1. Thank you Ifeyinwa! I'll be sure to keep going, here. I've been in the middle of a massive study on vivification, but as soon as that's over I'm going to really set to work on polishing a study like this. I don't mind it being dense and/or full of heart, either. I enjoy picking broad topics and sifting through each little point, so this could be really good (or who knows? It could suck ass. All of God haha)


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