#20. Romans 1:17 - A Complete Study of Paul’s Use of the Hebrew Scriptures, Part I
Part II: The Conduct of Humanity Welcome one, welcome all! This is the beginning of a long study within my longer study on Paul’s epistles, concerning – you guessed it – every single use (and allusion) to Paul’s use of the Hebrew Scriptures in each of his letters. This study will refer to my Romans series, but if you hear me state something concerning the context of a verse, and you don’t agree, or are confused, there’s a good chance that I spoke about it in a previous or future article. Throughout Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and 1 and 2 Timothy, Paul directly quotes the Old Testament 122 times– - 61 times in Romans (with 14 allusions) - 28 times in 1 Corinthians (with 23 allusions) - 18 times in 2 Corinthians (with 1 allusion) - 8 times in Galatians (with 6 allusions) - 6 times in Ephesians (with 4 allusions) - 0 times in Philippians (with 4 allusions) - 0 times in