Christ's Existence Articles
Hello, all! This page is a little map for each chapter in my "Existence of Christ" refutations against Aaron Welch, as well as verse citations for each article, that you may easily read the refutation for each argument presented by the no-existence-sect (still in progress.) The very first link, "Christ's Pre-existence Series, Part I," briefly explains the nature of this series. If Aaron Welch (or any other) replies to the second set of articles, I will consider any sound objections to the verses and consider them accordingly.
Why does this study matter? In brief, the Gnostics (particularly Samaritan and Sethian, two of the oldest veins of this philosophy) did not accept that God created all through Christ. They would insert mediaries between the Two; most notably, another deity named "Barbelo," or, "Forethought," was replaced by these people as the true manner by which God made all. To these individuals, Christ was purely a spirit, then given a shape at His conception.
Of course, this denies major scriptural revelation concerning God. Aaron Welch, thankfully, does not believe that Christ was purely a spirit (nor should any who believe that He existed before His physical birth, as Phil. 2:6 clearly tells us that He had a form before becoming flesh.) However, Aaron does subscribe to the notion that God used forethought to create the universe, as opposed to His Son -- even if the text explicitly tells us otherwise (John 1:1-3, 10-13, 1 Cor. 8:6, Col. 1:15-17.) One of the main habits of any hypocritical doctrine is to deflect attention from itself by charging something true with its own faults (Is. 53:9-10, Matt. 15:7-8, 27:18 is a practical demonstration of this, but also Rom. 2:1-3.) Aaron's articles, as well as the plethora of content provided by other teachers within the body of Christ, such as Peter Meye, Jason ("Christ Saved Everyone,") and most recently Faith Ignitor, all forcefully declare that the existence of Christ beforehand is a demonic teaching, and has no place in the text. These articles, then, consider the evidence that they present, and compare their argumentation to the written word of God, to see if their claim is true.
NOTE: There are corrections made in the second set of articles which rectify errors in the first. I can't fully retract the first set with corrected editions on the grounds that Aaron has responded to them already, and I feel as though it would be dishonest to do so, so here is your warning. USE DISCRETION. Don't take what I or Aaron says as fact. Study the Greek language. Believe its words and God's use of the language, and consider all the facts before drawing a conclusion. I cannot stress this enough. Read with a desire to study the truth, and hey! Correct me if I'm wrong (preferably in the second set of articles, where the argument is clearly more refined.)
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Responding to Aaron Welch (Christ's Preexistence Series, Part I)
Primary cited verses in consideration in Part I: Ps. 45, Ps. 110, Job 38:6-7, Matt. 1:18-21, Luke 1:31-35, 1 Cor. 1:10, Heb. 1:2, 1:5
This article considers Old Testament citations concerning Christ's existence before His physical birth, as well as the argument for Matthew 1 and Luke 1.
Responding to Aaron Welch (Christ's Preexistence Series, Part II)
Primary cited verses in consideration in Part II: Gen. 1:26-27, Is. 44:8-10, 44:15, 44:17, 45:12, 48:13, 48:15, 66:1-2, Ps. 33:6, 33:9, Matt. 19:4, Mark 10:6, John 5:19, John 8:56-58, Acts 17:24-25, 17:30-31, Rom. 5:13-14, 8:28-30, 1 Cor. 8:6, 15:45-47, Col. 1:15-17, Heb. 1:1, 2:14, 1 Pet. 1:17-20
This argument concerns a few more passages outside of Paul's evangel in the New Testament which are typically cited to prove Christ's existence (or non-existence) before His physical birth.
Responding to Aaron Welch (Christ's Preexistence Series, Part III)
Primary cited verses in consideration in Part III: Ps. 89:26-29, Matt. 13:44-46, Rom. 6:15-23, 1 Cor. 10:1-4, 2 Cor. 8:9, Phil. 2:5-8, Col. 1:15-17
This argument concerns a broad survey of the passages used in Paul's evangel which display Christ's role in creation (thus proving His life prior to His physical birth,) and the arguments presented by Aaron which seek to refute them.
Responding to Aaron Welch (Christ's Preexistence Series, Part IV)
Primary cited verses in consideration in Part IV: John 1:1-14, 1 Cor. 15:27-28, 1 John 1:1-2
This argument concerns a broad survey of the prologue of John's account which speak of Christ as the Word of God (thus proving His life prior to His physical birth,) and the arguments presented by Aaron which seek to refute them.
Responding to Aaron Welch (Christ's Preexistence Series, Part V)
Primary cited verses in consideration in Part V: John 1:15, 26-30, 3:13, 6:33, 38, 41-42, 50-51, 62
This argument concerns a broad survey of passages used in John's account which display Christ's descent from heaven, and His existence in heaven prior to His birth (thus proving His life prior to His physical birth,) and the arguments presented by Aaron which seek to refute them. Note: I disagree with my prior assessment of John 3:13, having learned more concerning the Greek on this matter. I do not disagree with Aaron's position on the verse; it does not prove that Christ existed before His physical birth, and should indeed be left out of this discussion.
Responding to Aaron Welch (Christ's Preexistence Series, Part VI)
Primary cited verses in consideration in Part V: 8:53-58, 17:1-5
This argument concerns a broad survey of passages used in John's account which display Christ's glory prior to His life on earth, and His existence prior to Abraham's birth (thus proving His life prior to His physical birth,) and the arguments presented by Aaron which seek to refute them.
Responding to Aaron Welch (Christ's Preexistence Series, Part VII)
This article is not focused on any particular verse, but simply serves as an article by Aaron to consider miscellaneous objections to his arguments. I discuss a few key distinctions, however, which sever my objections from Aaron's composed objections.
Responding to Aaron Welch (Christ's Preexistence Series, Part VIII)
Responding to Aaron Welch (Christ's Preexistence Series, Part IX)
Responding to Aaron Welch (End of the Preexistence Series)
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On Oct. 31, 2023, Aaron Welch rebuts to the above refutation. The following links will take you to my second set of replies:
Responding to Aaron Welch Again (Preexistence Response, Part I)
Responding to Aaron Welch Again (Preexistence Response, Part II)
Responding to Aaron Welch Again (Preexistence Response, Part III)
Responding to Aaron Welch Again (Preexistence Response, Part IV)
Responding to Aaron Welch Again (Preexistence Response, Part V)
Responding to Aaron Welch Again (Preexistence Response, Part VI)
Responding to Aaron Welch Again (Preexistence Response, Part VII)
Responding to Aaron Welch Again (Preexistence Response, Part VIII)
Responding to Aaron Welch Again (End of the Preexistence Response)
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To finish up the study, I would like to note how difficult the process of writing this out was, facing backlash at all times from my brothers. Part of the reason I stick to writing nowadays is simply because I cannot bear to watch my brothers botch the text so poorly, and criticize brothers like Martin and Seth and Ace for remaining grounded in what the text explicitly says, without jumping to our own reasoning on the matter. I had begun writing the original series of articles in the hopes that my studious brothers would be able to rationally consider the evidence at hand, and not jump to dismissive conclusions before hearing the replies to their own arguments, which are clearly not infallible. In return, I faced great backlash and major criticism from everyone within the sect. My writings were refused or dismissed (many of them did not even read them,) my position insulted or relegated to trigger words and phrases which undermined it (such as "he's saying Christ is just a spirit," or "he's saying Christ is not a man," or "he's saying Christ and Jesus are the same being.") This fiery disposal of any rational communication on the subject, as well as the dismissal of critical fundamentals of the Greek language and verbiage (such as the use of the "aorist," from Aaron's last article,) gave me a major depressive episode that led to me retracting from the public for a while.
I won't pretend that my flight or fight response is solely on them, for I am my own individual, crafted by many different experiences in my life by God. I'm thankful to Him that I stood my ground in the face of slander, and I'm honored that my co-host, Seth Fahlenkamp, who read all of these articles on his channel, and considered many of their arguments in video format as well, also stood fast as he was defamed. During one of these weeks, toward the tail end of this argument among brothers, one brother, named Dromstorm, who had been in the non-existence sect, subsequently retracted his claims concerning the alleged non-existence of his Lord, and presented a video (which has since been removed,) titled "Seth, Stephen, Martin, I Love You."
This video warmed my heart, and elicited a great joy to draw me out of this depression. Yes! Thank you! One of them stopped presuming our position, and heard it for what it was. He did this by detaching from the idea that we were forcing "philosophy" (philosophy which, at the time of this argument, neither me or Seth were aware of or drawing from.) He accepted that we were reading the text as-is, and accepted the truth for what it truly said. This magnificent example of spiritual maturity will ring out for the eons. I wrote a fervent reply to each talking point he had made in the video, and I find that this serves as a solid epilogue to this aspect of the truth. Please enjoy:
The Mark of Maturity - A Response to Dromstorm
Grace and peace, all. I pray that you, like Dromstorm, stick to the Greek text, and that the eyes of your heart become enlightened to the truth.
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